3 Tips for Making Movement Meaningful

We’ve all heard it before, “everyone needs physical activity at least 30 minutes a day.” Truthfully, most of us already know that implementing physical activity has various benefits to our lives. Physical activity has positive effects on our sleep, stress levels, heart health, and overall well-being. However, it is often difficult to get started or even know how to get started. So, what are simple strategies to get started?

  1. Begin with the intention to focus on what you value.

Physical activity looks different for everyone. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, it may be difficult to get started or maybe you don’t know where to begin. It may be helpful to understand how you value movement in your life. How is physical activity important to you? What is your WHY? Then look at setting intentional steps that are led through your physical activity value.

At first, it can be something as simple as walking to and from the mailbox instead of driving. Finding some time to stand up and stretch every so often at work. Maybe walking your dog one more lap around the block before going home. With intentional steps geared in directions of our values, we begin to feel fulfillment when we incorporate movement in life through our own meaningful way.

  1. Make it fun!

When was the last time you put on music and danced while cooking or cleaning up around the house? Physical activity doesn’t have to look like what we typically associate with it. It doesn’t have to look like going out for a run or hitting the gym. It can be getting your body up and moving throughout the day and it can even be playful. Even going outside and kicking a soccer ball around with your kids or fur-babies for a few minutes can make a big impact. Movement can be about finding play in everyday life.

  1. Find what works for YOU.

There are so many different types of exercise plans out there and some are even marketed as “the best exercise plan for (fill in the blank).” In reality, the best type of physical activity is the one that you will stick with. So, what kind of exercise plan are you most likely to stick with? It’s those that are fun to YOU and bring YOU joy.

Do you love to walk and enjoy time with nature? Strength train and feel the grooves on the barbell? Dance like nobody’s watching? Run to your favorite playlist on Spotify? Dribbling a ball around your neighborhood court?

There are many reasons why we find joy in a certain activity. Perhaps the physical activity you find joy in is important to you because it’s a way to relax, or be fit, or spend time with friends… maybe a mixture of different reasons. The activity that answers your WHY and brings YOU joy will be more fulfilling to engage in and in term be more sustainable.


The takeaway from these tips are to find intentional and meaningful ways to implement movement throughout your day, and find the physical activity that YOU find joy in. Visit our Movement and Exercise page for videos to follow along to or talk to your Wellness Mentor today for guidance on ways to implement movement in your life!


-Melany Rodriguez

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