Kelly Holes-Lewis, MD

Kelly Holes-Lewis, MDDirector of Psychiatry, Board Certified Psychiatrist

Dr. Kelly Holes-Lewis holds board certifications from both the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology as well as the American Board of Obesity Medicine. In addition, she has also completed both a residency and fellowship in Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography-CT Imaging. These diverse and unique training experiences have allowed her to see and treat suffering in many forms. Through her extensive clinical work, she has developed an understanding of the healing power of compassion, mindfulness and positive engagement in one’s own healing and care. Though these concepts may seem simple, they are often challenging to find in the world of illness-based medicine. Dr. Holes-Lewis believes that the conscious act of deliberately seeking wellness in all forms is always the first step in finding a better path to peace and healing. She believes that when we are open to new possibilities of healing and wellness; and are ready to learn how to live in the precious present moment, new levels of peace are available to us.  Healing happens in a safe, compassionate environment, devoid of judgement and where we understand the connectedness that exists within us all.